Saturday, June 30, 2018

The Color Collective (review)

Spoilers ahoy! 

It bears says--I have had a very nice Fringe this year.  Wrote only one pan, with two mild disappointments, but the rest of the shows I've seen veered between just plain good to soul-shakingly excellent.  Most, though, have also proven...well, heavy.  No complaints!  Still, no use pretending this delightful variety show didn't act as a breath of fresh air!  So much fun!  So many laughs!  Such a delightful array of different talents on display!  My personal faves were the skits, partially because I do adore the gag of when the skit takes one situation and puts some weirdly wonderful spin on it all.  In this case, for example, treating a commercial passenger flight pretty much exactly like a maximum security prison!  Complete with the new fish learning the ropes from hardcore inmates/passengers!  Plus the music!  And the dancing!  And the stand up!  I had an absolute ball, just letting lose with the laughs and applause!

The Color Collective is part of the 2018 Hollywood Fringe Festival and has two encore performances coming up, Friday July 6 at 9:30pm and Friday July 20 at 8pm at the Ruby Theatre in the Complex, 2476 Santa Monica Blvd, Los Angeles CA 

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